mudroom makeover design

Hooray, our mudroom makeover is finished!!! I painted the mudroom earlier this week, and now it’s all ready for our family to use.  If you haven’t been following along, you can see our progress at Mudroom Makeover Part I and So Excited that the Mudroom is Almost Finished.

This new design is so much more functional, and I just love seeing it when I walk in the house.  Now, we can easily kick off our shoes under the bench, and the baskets hold all of our hats and gloves for these cold winter months.

Mudroom Makeover Reveal!

mudroom makeover functional new design

We used a lot of materials from the existing mudroom, like the beadboard and hooks.

mudroom makeover design

We added little chalkboard labels for our baskets, so the kids have no excuses for not putting away their things in the right spot.

mudroom makeover design

The open cubbies under the bench work great for our family, because we like to quickly kick off our shoes. In other words, we are too lazy to use shoe baskets or any other nice looking storage option for shoes.

mudroom makeover design

The new upper shelf gives us lots of options for decor or more storage. We may even add cabinets or more open cubbies above the mudroom in the future!

custom mudroom makeover design

I always love the day I start and the day I finish up a project. The middle is always lots of time and hard work. But, it’s worth it in the end when you end up with new mudroom that is not only functional, but also beautiful!

See this and other great project ideas at:

TDC Before and After

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Life on Lakeshore Drive



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  1. Hi, Melissa. Your mudroom space looks great! It’s actually exactly what I am trying to create. What did you used for the cubbies? Are there instructions for that? I don’t even know where to begin.
    Thanks for your help!

    1. We have our own custom bench plans that we use for all of our mudroom benches, and I wish I had it in a nice set of plans to share! However, I did find this set of plans online that is very similar to how we create our open cubby benches.

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